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Analysing Stretford from a 1:1000 scale was useful in drawing connections with existing and non existing elements around the site:

1) The Bridgewater canal was a significant land use factor that runs straight through the centre.

2) Similarly, the main road runs parallel creating a man-made vs natural contrast with potential to harness the qualities of the canal.

3) The development of a cycle village can have knock on effects influencing areas also in need rennovation such as Stretford Mall.



Looking at the site more closely at a 1:100 scale pushed me to start thinking about spatial programming within the context of the area. Taking into consideration the contrast of the busy main road and the canal, the notion of bringing people away from the traffic and noise prompted the idea of a mini masterplan scheme.

The diagram shows how the space could become a multipurpose hub for not only cyclists but an entire community.

Renovated Commercial Shops

Cycle Village Central Hub

Residential Housing

Essoldo Re-used


From a 1:10 perspective, the characteristics of the space needed to be transparent and inviting. Lots of glazing will open up the space further following the transect of the canal and creating a sense of activity with people using the space in different ways.

Introducing a social space such a cafe by the canal would offer a multipurpose space for cyclists and the rest of the community.

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