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Trees separate pedestrians and cyclists


The cycle village aims to rejuvenate the Essoldo and its surrounding area. The introduction of a vehicle-free High Street offers a new alternative away from the busy main intersection.

Redevelopment of the Essoldo into the Ride + Go Bike storage facility centre

Pedestrianised High Street promoting double aspected shops in parallel with the A5145 road above

Dedicated cycle paths connecting to the canal cycle route

Promotion of green space for leisure


Users have a closer relationship to the canal

Cyclists have direct access to the canal cycle route via the Village and from access located on the bridge

Bicycle parking is located on the roof of the Cafe

A cycling educational centre is located besides the canal. Here residents and other members of the public can learn the essentials of cycling safely around Manchester. Children also have a safe area to learn to ride bicycles whilst the Cafe is joined via a connecting bridge that forms the main cycle route into the village.


Coperative Living flats with shared greenhouse gardens

No parking for cars. Space for bicycles only

Cheaper rent when working for the SC Village services

Residents who live inside Stretford Cycle Village will connect with their neighbours on a number levels. Greenhouse spaces are divided through the blocks of housing allowing users to work together to grow their own produce which can be used for their own food or sold to the market shops in the Commercial zone.

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