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Redeveloped Programme

The Site

Testing the site


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Iteration 1

Iteration 2

After analysing the site as a whole, removing the back of the Essoldo opened up a large amount of space to explore, giving the possibility to redevelop the entire site that stretched towards the Stretford canal.

Cafe located at the canal front creating a void of access via footpath/cycle path 

Essoldo renovated as a bicycle store house

Affordable residential homes for cafe workers and public located separately from the cafe 

Access from bridge down to site via suspended walkway

Essoldo renovated as bicycle shop / storehouse becoming the Ride + Go meeting point 

Local shops added towards the canal to create a mini high street for cyclists and pedestrians only

Cycle paths more dynamic to address traffic 

Cafe conjoined to road safety educational safety becoming the focal point of the site

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